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UFO Abductions: The 'Missing' Time Phenomenon

Missing time, an indeterminate period after which individuals apparently have no recollection of where they've been and what has happened to them.The phenomenon is common among a majority of people claiming to have experienced UFO abduction. Beginning with the earliest and best-known alien abduction reports dating from the Roswell , N.M. UFO incident in 1947,  alleged abduction victims have claimed memory lapses of several hours' duration. Betty and Barney Hill of New Hampshire, who told of their 1961 abduction in "The Interrupted Journey", and the "Allagash four". Chuck Rak, Charlie Foltz, and Jack and Jim Weiner, whose hellish experience occurred in 1976 in the remote Allagash River wilderness area in Maine . 

On the other hand, Arizona logger Travis Walton, whose 1975 abduction supposedly was witnessed by several members of his work crew, and whose UFO encounter became the subject of a major Hollywood motion picture, disappeared for five days.

Prior to the 1960's, individuals experiencing missing time or those whose encounters with brilliant, unexplained lights left them with feelings of con- fusion and disorientation, refused to reveal their experiences out of terror, embarrassment, even fear of ridicule.  Following the story told by the courageous Hills of New Hampshire , and particularly after the bizarre revelations of popular horror-novelist Whitley Strieber, whose adventures with alien abductors were related in the UFO classic "Communion", people with abduction tales to tell began to come forward, first in a trickle, finally in a deluge.

At last, when UFO reportage reached epic proportions, the "abduction experience" with its ccompanying missing time had to be dealt with on a professional level.   Psychiatrists, psychologists, specialists in hypnotic regression, and veteran UFO investigators jumped into the mix.  Support groups for "shared therapeutic discussion" were formed, and conferences for the study of the problems and experiences of abductees were set up at major U.S. colleges and universities. Nowadays, missing time and abduction reports have become so prevalent as to seem commonplace.  Are we in danger of becoming jaded and dismissive in the face of others terror?
